Chancery Updates


  • October is Respect Life Month! The Chancery is working on content and ideas to use during this month post-Roe. Keep an eye on the Respect Life page ( and our social media for more.
  • Please check the Mass times listed for your parish on the diocesan website, If you have updates for those times, please send those to Elise at
  • Additionally, please confirm that the website listed on your parish page on the diocesan website is correct. We have found a few that are incorrect addresses. If we need to update your website address, please send updates to Elise at

Adult Discipleship and Evangelization Offerings

Upcoming Events

Parish Catechetical Leaders Day
November 4 – St. Thomas More – Brookings

More Info

Parish Catechetical Leaders Day
Save the date for this year’s Parish Catechetical Leaders Day! November 4 we will be gathering for the day at St. Thomas More in Brookings. All priests, deacons, DREs, YMs, RCIA coordinators, and discipleship coordinators are welcome to attend. More details will be coming soon. 

Power Hours
For a couple of years now, we have been holding weekly Zoom calls supporting Parish Catechetical Leaders (PCL) from around our diocese by offering an opportunity for growth in both spiritual and professional development and to have a space to bounce ideas off one another and inspire and encourage one another in our shared mission (PCLs include priests, deacons, DREs, YMs, Discipleship Coordinators, RCIA Coordinators, etc.). Power Hours are held at 1 p.m. on Tuesdays approximately every other week. Zoom invitations are sent to the PCL email list weekly. If you are new or newly diving into our offerings, we invite you to join the PCL email list. You can sign up on the diocesan For Parish Leaders webpage.



Youth Discipleship and Evangelization Offerings

Upcoming Events

Diocesan Confirmation Retreats
October 15, 2022 – St. Thomas More, Brookings
February 4, 2023 – Holy Name, Watertown

Going Deeper
October 21-23 – O’Gorman Junior High, Sioux Falls
March 31 – April 2 – Abbey of the Hills

November 4 – St. Thomas More – Brookings, SD

Last Collar Standing
January 15, 2023 – 4 p.m. online

Power Hours
Weekly on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. – via Zoom

More Info

Diocesan Confirmation Retreats
In collaboration with the diocese, St. Thomas More Parish in Brookings and Holy Name Parish in Watertown are providing Confirmation Retreats. They will be open to all parishes. Registrations are done through your parish, and the parish is required to send adult helpers with their youth to assist with small groups (one adult for every five youth). The parish is responsible for ensuring these adults have met the Safe Environment requirements laid out by the diocese. Registration forms for each retreat can be found on our webpage at: Parishes, please send in your completed registration forms by the dates listed on the forms. More details can be found here: 

If your parish is interested in hosting a confirmation retreat like this, we are willing to partner with you to put one on by suggesting a format, helping to find presenters, assisting with promotion, etc. You can reach our office at Another great option for parishes looking to host a retreat is to request a NET Ministries team to come in for a day. Their information can be found at

Going Deeper Retreat
Our Heart Speaks to Heart retreat will be held October 21-23, at O’Gorman Junior High. This retreat is focused on meditative and contemplative prayer and utilizes the teachings of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. It is a silent retreat. Youth grades 9-12 who are active in the parish and looking to go deeper in their faith are invited to attend. Registrations can be found on our Going Deeper webpage.

Last Collar Standing
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting our 4th Annual Last Collar Standing event on January 15, 2023 at 4 p.m. live on our YouTube page. Mark your calendars and start planning your watch parties now! Keep an eye on our social media for updates, announcements and promotional opportunities.

March for Life Pilgrimage
It was with great joy that we received the news of the historic Dobbs decision overturning Roe vs Wade and giving individual states the right to enact laws regarding the protection of human life. With that in mind, the diocese has decided to focus its resources in support of local Respect Life efforts instead of organizing a pilgrimage to Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life. However, we are happy to work with you and your parish if you are interested in coordinating a pilgrimage.

Lumen Christi
We are excited to have finally opened up requests for Lumen Christi teams for the summer of 2023. To find out more about Lumen Christi and to request a team for next summer, please visit

Lumen Christi – Social Media
Lumen Christi has their very own social media channels! Follow them on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with their events and activities this summer. They can be found on Facebook at: They can be found on Instagram with the handle @lumenchristisf . As always, for more information go to 

Power Hours
For a couple of years now, we have been holding weekly Zoom calls supporting Parish Catechetical Leaders (PCL) from around our diocese by offering an opportunity for growth in both spiritual and professional development and to have a space to bounce ideas off one another and inspire and encourage one another in our shared mission (PCLs include priests, deacons, DREs, YMs, Discipleship Coordinators, RCIA Coordinators, etc.). Power Hours are held at 1 p.m. on Tuesdays approximately every other week. Zoom invitations are sent to the PCL email list weekly. If you are new or newly diving into our offerings, we invite you to join the PCL email list. You can sign up on the diocesan For Parish Leaders webpage.


Stay up-to-date by texting SFDIOCESE to 84576 or visiting


Do you know a young man who has expressed interest in discerning a vocation to the priesthood? Do you know a young man who you think would make a great priest and might be open to investigating the possibility of this call in his life? As part of our work to help young men discern the Lord’s call for their lives, the Vocations Office is compiling a list of such men with the intent of keeping them informed about various vocations promotion opportunities such as retreats, mission trips, Operation Andrew Dinners, seminary visits, and so on. If you know of someone who we should add to our list, please contact Emma Murtha at or 988-3772.

SJV Seminary Visit 

Do you know of any young men in your parish who has considered (or should consider) a vocation to the priesthood? There is a seminary visit planned Nov. 17-19 to St. John Vianney in St. Paul. No cost to them. Transportation provided from Sioux Falls and Aberdeen. Please refer anyone interested to Fr. Tony Klein at or Emma Murtha at If you have any questions yourself about the trip, please reach out to Fr. Tony or Emma.

Operation Andrew Dinner

As part of our work to help young men discern the Lord’s call for their lives, the Vocations Office is organizing an Operation Andrew Dinner at Christ the King in Sioux Falls on Tuesday December 6, 2022 from 6-8pm. Bishop DeGrood will be attending.

Prayer for Vocations

Looking for a good prayer to use for an increase in vocations? Here’s one many of our parishes have been using for years.

Lord Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father and Mary Immaculate, grant to our young people the generosity necessary to follow Your call and the courage to overcome all obstacles to their vocation in life. Give their parents that faith, love and spirit of sacrifice which will inspire them to offer their children to God’s service and to rejoice whenever one of their children is called to the priesthood or religious life. Let Your example and that of Your Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph encourage both young people and parents and let Your grace sustain them.  Amen.

Catholic Family Sharing Appeal

Thank you to all for your wonderful support of the 2022 Catholic Family Sharing Appeal. Parishioners have responded with great generosity toward the many ministries supported by the appeal. To date, we have received 12,640 pledges totaling $5,049,000. Nearly 2/3 of the parishes have raised over and above the amount shared with the diocese providing an additional $764,000 to stay in the respective parish and be used where the need is greatest.

If you have remaining pledges to send in and enter into the ParishSoft Offering Module, please do so as soon as possible as we prepare for follow-up in the coming weeks. The follow-up is a great opportunity to connect with parishioners, so if you are planning to do this at the parish level, please let us know so we do not duplicate efforts.

Thank you again for your support as the success of the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal is dependent upon the great efforts of those at all of the parishes throughout the diocese.


Uptick in Phishing and Scams Targeting Churches

Common Red Flags to Help you Identify Phishing Emails and Texts

  • The email address contains a random mix of letters and numbers
  • The text is from an unknown number
  • The email or text contains typos or odd language
  • The email or text asks you to buy something
  • The email or text asks you to provide financial information
  • The email or text asks you to provide personal information about yourself or someone else at the church, especially the senior/executive pastor, a decision maker, etc.
  • The email or text asks you to download an attachment or click a link — if someone you do not know is asking you to do either of these things, that is suspicious!!!
  • The email or text asks you to purchase gift cards (iTunes, Apple or other gift cards) and then send the activation code on the back of the gift card

One tip for preventing these types of emails from ending up in your inbox in the first place is to avoid posting your staff email addresses on your website in plain text or with an email link. Cyber criminals can easily crawl your website for email addresses, so if you include everyone’s information in an online staff directory, you are making yourself an easy target for receiving these emails. An alternative is to only have one general email address on your website that all online inquiries go to. Whoever manages that email address can forward requests accordingly, and this person needs to be sure they are trained in cybersecurity and hyper-aware when sifting through emails.


Sample Bulletin Announcement about Emails or Texts Impersonating Priest or Someone from the Parish

By policy of the Diocese of Sioux Falls, priests and deacons will not request financial assistance for their personal needs (cash or gift cards) from you via text message or email. As many have posed as our clergy while trying to scam parishioners of funds, we urge individuals to first verify they know the sender before ever giving money. If you are in doubt, please call the parish’s office.

MFA-Why it’s important for EVERYONE!

Multi-factor authentication (“MFA”) has emerged as an important tool to provide an additional level of verification beyond user passwords to protect information systems and user data. The goal of MFA is to verify identity and to make sure the person logging into an account really is the person they are claiming to be. MFA is FREE and one of the easiest things you can do today to significantly increase the security of your church staff and their accounts. Overall, we strongly believe that MFA is a vital element in any comprehensive approach to security.

Passwords Aren’t Enough

Why is this necessary? Security experts know that passwords alone simply are not an effective deterrent to cybercrime and security breaches, because there are so many problems with the way that most people handle their passwords, from creation to use.

The most common password mistakes include:

  • Using easy-to-guess passwords, e.g. birthdays, addresses, pet names, etc.
  • Writing and/or storing their passwords in easy to find places (hint: the sticky note on your monitor or desk is not secure!)
  • People share their passwords with others.
  • Many people use the very same password for all or multiple services, applications, devices, accounts, etc., thereby creating unnecessary exposure for themselves in many important areas of their life and work.
  • Many have unwittingly provided their password via spoofed sites or phishing emails that are created to steal these passwords.

As a result, passwords are stolen and compromised all the time. Your own passwords may very well be compromised and residing on a list of thousands of other stolen passwords for sale to those who would use them for negative purposes.

How Does MFA Work?

So what does that have to do with your church? Well, churches maintain a lot of personal data, including very sensitive data about member’s giving and financials, staff social security and payroll data, and pastoral counseling notes. The church staff has to be able to trust that systems are secure and working properly so they can perform their ministry jobs. A breach could be harmful, embarrassing and costly. This is where multi-factor authentication comes in.

MFA provides a second layer of security by adding a step to the sign-in process when someone uses their password to log in to an MFA-enabled account. How does it work? Typically, MFA employs a code that is updated on a timer. This code is sent to the user’s trusted secondary device via a text message (or a pre-downloaded app) when they use their password to log into a MFA-enabled account. The user is prompted to enter the current MFA code. Without using the MFA code or the verification app, access to the account is prevented, regardless of whether a user has the proper password. There are typically multiple options for delivery, including text, email, or app, for the user’s convenience.

While it can be argued that MFA adds a basic level of complexity to the log-in process and the need for some basic user training, the benefits of the level of security it provides to user accounts is far greater than these small adjustments. The main “barrier” is the necessity of a smart phone or secondary device, but is safe to say that almost everyone has one of those these days.

The Benefits of MFA

When you really break down the process, it is quite simple and user-friendly. It simply makes it harder for OTHER people to log in to your account. Not every single product and platform supports MFA, but it is our best practice recommendation that if MFA is an option, you should enable it.

The main benefits of MFA are:

  1. It is FREE!
  2. It is an easy way to immediately increase the security of accounts for every user in your organization
  3. It is increasingly available on most platforms that include a log-in system

At this point in the cybersecurity game, Multi-Factor Authentication is a necessary element of a basic user-security setup. The minor inconveniences of a slightly longer sign-in process and training are far outweighed by the extra level of security it provides. Of course, it is not a “silver bullet” that will solve all of your problems. MFA covers breaches at the log-in step, but it does not cover voice phishing, physical security, a lost USB stick, or an end-user falling for social engineering tricks. Tools like MFA must be coupled with solid end-user security awareness training, the most important layer of security to which organizations must give their attention. Awareness of the types of schemes employed by cyber criminals and others who would cause harm is the most effective protection against security threats. Nevertheless, MFA is an effective, accessible and easily-implemented step in creating a more secure environment for your church.

This article was pulled from

Multi-Factor Authentication: A Must-Have for your Church!

Broom Tree Retreat and Conference Center Events

Silent Retreats:
Women’s: October 6-9, November 3-6
Men’s: November 17-20

Day of Recollection: Broom Tree Days of Recollection begin at 10 a.m. and include conferences, time for adoration, Mass, and an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The day ends in mid-afternoon. Because lunch is served, we ask that you please register. A prayerful donation is requested.

2022 Days of Recollection
October 11- “The Saints: Powerful Models and Intercessors,” directed by Fr. Paul King
November 8- TBD, directed by Fr. Tom Anderson
December 13- “Come Let Us Adore Him,” directed by Teresa Henrickson

Couples Retreats
November 11-13
Directed by Ed and Jen Hogan

During this retreat, couples will have the blessed opportunity to spend time together receiving from the very heart of God. The environment at Broom Tree makes for a perfect couples get-away: no TV, no radio, no phones or computers, just beautiful, peaceful surroundings, good food, and all the time and good direction you need to experience renewal in your marriage. Register early.

Healing Retreats
October 14-16
Directed by Fr. Scott Traynor