Technology Tips/Reminders

Parish/Pastorate Websites

If you have a parish or pastorate website, please make sure your Mass times are accurate and updated. If you have a website but aren’t sure how to access or update it, please contact the IT office and we will gladly help you. If you are looking to establish a parish or pastorate website, we will gladly help you with that as well.


End-of-Year Tax Statements to Your Donors

Tax statements are a once-a-year task for many of us, so a refresher course can be helpful. ParishSOFT is offering some webinars to assist you with this task.

Click Here to register for a session or watch a recording

End of Year webinar for ParishSOFT Accounting

Click Here to register for an EOY accounting webinar

ParishSOFT Family Directory mailings reminder

I’ve heard from a few staff members who meant to send a letter to all of the registered households within their parish and mistakenly included households that were designated as unregistered or deceased. I thought it would be a good idea to remind everyone of the importance of using the Filtering Icon before you pull a Family List or Mailing Labels. Use the filter to choose “registered” and also which “family group” designation you want (ie “active”), then click on the Quick Reports on the right-hand side of the screen to pull your list or labels for that “filtered” group.

*The filter icon looks like this and is located just to the left of the blue Add Family button on the main family screen. 

Feel free to email if you have additional questions.

May our loving Father bless you, your families, and your ministry in the new year.