Sioux Falls LIFE CHAIN

The Sioux Falls LIFE CHAIN will be held Sunday, October 1, from 2-3 p.m. on the north sidewalk of W. 41st St. between Western and Sertoma Ave.

Life Chain occurs across the USA and Canada annually on the first Sunday of October. It is a unified statement affirming the sanctity of human life and makes a public, prayerful, and peaceful witness against legalized abortion and exploitation of mothers. Life Chain is held rain or shine.

Signs will be provided and may be picked up at and returned to the parking lots of Sioux Falls First Church or O’Gorman High School.

Water, lawn chairs, umbrellas, wheelchairs and strollers are welcome and encouraged. Roosevelt High School, O’Gorman High School and Sioux Falls First Church will have parking. Do not park in front of any open businesses.

Churches have assigned blocks, but individuals who would like to participate should call 605-743-0777, email or come by 1:30 p.m. to receive directions.