Opportunity for eucharistic adoration in Aberdeen area

Sacred Heart Parish in Aberdeen will start eucharist adoration with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament immediately after 5 p.m. Mass on December 31, and the Blessed Sacrament will repose before 8 a.m. Mass on January 1. Everyone is welcome to spend New Year’s Eve with the Lord in thanksgiving and adoration. Please call the parish to sign up for adoration.

Parish Mass Attendance

Dear Pastors and Parish Administrators,

One initiative of the parish services role in the Chancery (formerly the planning office) has been to facilitate the gathering of statistical information that can be used to identify trends in parishes. The annual Mass attendance survey, begun in 2008, is one such example of data gathering. With the passing of time and the diocese’s gathering of year-over-year numbers, this data holds increasing value.

As a continuation of this survey and for the benefit of all parishes, I am writing to request the favor that Mass attendance counts would again be taken at all Sunday Masses (including Saturday vigils) during upcoming weekends in March.


    • March 12-13, 2022
    • March 19-20, 2022
    • March 26-27, 2022

Can we take the survey on different weekends?

We urge that parishes use the three weekends in March. A significant aspect of this longitudinal study is that the data has been collected during the same month of the year. By limiting the variables introduced into the study, we are able to make a more accurate assessment of trends.

If a singular event on a weekend has a major impact on attendance during a particular weekend (e.g. snowstorm, attendance at a tournament, inability to arrange counters, etc.), data from that particular weekend should be noted. It will be treated differently and, therefore, not included in the parish’s average. This, of course, is the logic for holding the counts over three consecutive weekends.

What decisions are made from the data?

None. The purpose of this survey was never to drive or justify decisions.

That being said, the data collected in this annual survey has been shown on many occasions to be helpful in explaining decisions or lending essential context to decisions that are made both at the parish and diocesan levels. For example, the impact Mass times holds on attendance has, in many instances, been useful in helping to explain adjustments to the Sunday Mass schedule in a parish/pastoral linkage.

Pastoral linkage?

Pastors with multiple parishes entrusted to their pastoral care are asked to submit data for each parish. Please do not combine the data from within the pastoral linkage.

How do we submit the survey data?

Please report Mass attendance numbers online by clicking on this Parish Attendance Report (to copy/paste the link, please use:  https://form.jotform.com/220545011525039).

For your reference, a sample form has been linked below so that pastors/parish staff to make you aware of the questions asked in the online form.

2022 Parish Attendance Worksheet

Completed forms submitted by?

Please submit your attendance counts no later than March 30, 2022. I would encourage you to use actual counts versus an estimated count.

If you or the parish staff have any questions or need assistance in completing the online report, please don’t hesitate to contact Matt Althoff or Briana Miller (605-988-3711).

Thank you for your assistance and the contribution it is to our ongoing study in the diocese.


Parish News

Geddes Rectory Available for Senior Priest
The rectory at St. Ann Parish in Geddes has served as a wonderful home for a retired priest. With Father Geditz’s recent transition to Aberdeen, Father Tom Clement has offered to make the rectory available once again to any retired priest who would be interested to live there. Priests interested in exploring this option should contact Father Clement at the St. Peter Parish in Platte. The terms for rent are negotiable. Reflective of the love the good people of Geddes hold for priests, they will be generous for any priest who chooses to live in the rectory.