Technology Updates

Windows 11-Should I upgrade?

October 5, 2021 was the release date for the latest Microsoft operating system, Windows 11. When Windows 10 was first released, anyone running Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 got a free upgrade. Windows 11 has the same option for Windows 10 computers as long as the computer meets certain requirements.

Windows 10 is supported until October 14, 2025, so by the time you need to switch to Windows 11, it will very likely be time to replace your existing computer.

Windows 11 has a number of specific hardware requirements in order to upgrade your existing computer. Here are the links Hardware Requirementssupported amd cpu list, and supported intel cpu list. If the hardware requirements for your computer do not meet the Windows 11 standards, you will not be able to upgrade to Windows 11.
 *There are some workarounds if your hardware doesn’t meet the requirements, but we do NOT recommend them. 
What’s the difference between Windows 10 and 11?
The answer is: not much, it’s a slightly altered user interface.
If you’re currently running Windows 10, we recommend you wait to upgrade for at least a year. That will give Microsoft and other software companies time to work out the bugs and compatibility issues.
If you do decide to upgrade to Windows 11, you have a very short grace period (currently 10 days) that you can revert back to Windows 10. If you fail to revert back in this time, the only way to get back to Windows 10 is to reinstall it, which means backing up all your data and reinstalling all your programs.

Please welcome John Woodraska to the IT team!

John Woodraska and his family are members of St. George Parish in Hartford, and John has joined the diocesan IT staff as of Monday 10/25.  John has extensive experience working with data, databases, querying, and extracting data and reports.  His email is and his direct phone number is 605-988-3751. For now, you can continue to contact Dawn Wolf for any ParishSOFT Family Directory questions until we get John fully acclimated to our systems.

Great Article-The Ultimate List of Free Stock Photo Sites for Churches

Use this link to read the article and see all of the sites where you can get free stock photos for your design needs.

The Ultimate List of Free Stock Photo Sites for Churches


ParishSOFT FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Question: Since switching to the new PS Offering Module, why aren’t the donations I am entering in batch showing on the donor’s giving history?

Answer: The old offering module didn’t require you to close your batches, but with the newly redesigned offering module, you must close your batches in order for the donations to appear on the family’s giving history.

Question: Will you be sending us step-by-step instructions on how to run end-of-year statements in the newly redesigned offering module?

Answer: Yes! Not only are we planning to send you instructions, but we are planning to send you a video detailing the steps. We also hope to offer some Zoom meetings where you can attend to see a demonstration of the process and ask questions.

Question: How do I make a correction batch entry in a batch that I closed in the new offering module?

Answer: Here is a great link with step-by-step instructions from ParishSOFT on how to make a correction on a CLOSED batch.

ParishSOFT Celebrant Cleanup Project

Many of you may remember during our Parish Admin day workshops this year in June that I spoke about the need to cleanup the celebrant listing in ParishSOFT. We decided to tackle that project on behalf of all the parishes because you all have plenty to do! Darla has been busy merging all of the duplicate celebrant records into a single record.

The naming standard when adding a new celebrant is:


Deacon Legal/Full First Name Legal Last Name (no spaces and no punctuation)


Rev Legal/Full First Name Legal Last Name (no spaces and no punctuation)


Msgr Legal/Full First Name Legal Last Name (no spaces and no punctuation)


Most Rev Legal/Full First Name Legal Last Name (no spaces and no punctuation)


God Bless you in all you do for your parish/parishes!

Dawn Wolf, director,

John Woodraska, data administrator and analyst,

Adam Staebell, Helpdesk specialist,

Reminder-ParishSOFT Offering Module is Getting a New Look

*We shared this information during our June Admin Workshop days in Aberdeen, Mitchell and Sioux Falls
Saturday, August 21, and Sunday, August 22, we will be migrating your current version of ParishSOFT Offering to a new enhanced version. Your system will not be available during the update process. 
You can learn more about how to use the updated tool in 2 simple steps:
  1. Log in to PATHFinder, our online learning system.
  2. Then, search for the Offering in the Content Library screen where you will find FREE training courses.
If you don’t already have a login to PATHFinder, you can follow the steps below to create one.
How to Register for PATHFinder:
  1. Go to
  2. When prompted for a code, enter the following: Welcome
  3. Enter your name and email address to create your PATHFinder account.
Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to log into the PATHFinder site. Your first course will be PATHFinder Overview. After you have completed this initial course you will have access to the Offering training courses. Don’t forget to bookmark the PATHFinder login page so you can come back any time to complete other courses as needed: .
What’s new in ParishSOFT Offering?
  • New easy-to-use user interface
  • Faster overall system performance
  • New reporting features and reports, statements, and lists
  • New posting method for improved data entry
  • And more
Below are a few screenshots of the enhanced ParishSOFT Offering software. Click on any image to enlarge it.
For additional resources available to you prior to moving to your redesigned Offering software including how to register for an upcoming live webinar, please visit ParishSOFT’s Offering Module Support page.
Webinar Series: Introduction to ParishSOFT Offering
We want to introduce you to the newly redesigned Offering module. This webinar will cover how to navigate through the redesigned interface and the areas you will need to review to be prepared to use the updated Offering system. Select the date and time that works best for your schedule. The same content will be provided at each webinar. After attending the webinar, you will gain temporary access to a site that allows you to login and practice what you learn. You can also watch the webinar on-demand.

Register for Introduction to NEW ParishSOFT Offering LIVE Webinar


View Introduction to NEW ParishSOFT Offering Webinar On-Demand

Webinar Series: Newly Redesigned Offering Advanced Processes
Join us to learn more about some of the advanced processes in the newly updated Offering module. Select the date and time that works best for your schedule. The same content will be provided at each webinar. You can also watch the webinar on-demand.

Register for Offering Advanced Processes Live Webinar


Register for Offering Advanced Processes On-Demand Webinar

*If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send an email to and Dawn or Adam can help you.

Technology Updates

Bad Microsoft Windows Update

Many of you may have experienced or perhaps still are experiencing the effects of a “buggy” Microsoft Windows update that caused some pc’s to “blue screen” (affectionately known as BSOD or blue screen of death) and shut down repeatedly.  Feel free to call our office at 605-988-3783 if this is happening to you and we can assist with a fix.

Attached is a “how to” fix document for you DIY’ers.

Uninstall kb5000802 or kb5000808 update (1)


Save the Dates!

Administration and Finance workshop days are coming back this summer! We’ve missed you and can’t wait to see you all again!

June 15 – Sacred Heart, Aberdeen

June 16 – Holy Spirit, Mitchell

June 17 – Cathedral of Saint Joseph (Parish Hall)

Click Here to Register

*More information such as times and topics are coming soon via email.


Technology Updates for March

Password Manager Changes

Over the years, I have often recommended a password manager called Last Pass.  Unfortunately, Last Pass is making some changes to their free password manager.  IF you use Last Pass, here are the changes you need to be aware of:

What’s changing in LastPass Free?

Beginning March 16, 2021, LastPass Free will include access on one device type of your choice. The first device you login with on or after March 16 will set your active device type. For more information about this change, including how to select and change your active device type, check out the Last Pass support page.

If you choose computer as your device type, LastPass Free will work on all computers in your life:
ALL Computer Devices
  • ALL desktop computers
  • ALL laptop computers
If you choose mobile as your device type, LastPass Free will work on all mobile devices in your life:
ALL Mobile Devices
  • ALL mobile phones
  • ALL tablets
  • ALL smartwatches

The Great Suspender

This is an internet browser extension that I have recommended in the past. Unfortunately, this software was sold to another organization about a year ago and Google determined that it recently started to see malware within this extension, and therefore it is being automatically disabled from the Google Chrome browser (only if you had it installed). You may have seen an alert when you opened Google Chrome that referenced the disabling of this extension. Feel free to call 988-3783 or email if you have any concerns and would like help to remove this disabled extension.



We are hearing multiple reports of scammers calling parishes and telling them that they are calling from Centurylink about your internet. They may say something like “the wires coming into your location were through Centurylink and they need to update your router to 5G. They will ask to log into your computer and give them access. They will tell you it won’t cost a thing and they just need to re-boot your router. DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO CONNECT TO YOUR COMPUTER. This is a scam. They will likely install software on your computer that allows them remote access and will track all activity.

Parish Bulletin Suggestion:

We continue to get reports of parishioners receiving email and text messages that appear to be from the pastor asking for Gift Cards. This is a scam that has been happening for a number of years. Please periodically remind your parishioners either in the bulletin or during announcements that the parish and the pastor will never solicit their members in this way.


Goodbye Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player is gone

After a number of decades and countless websites have come and gone, so has Adobe Flash, finally dead at the hands of its creator. The End has been a long time coming, with support dropping off steadily over the years, especially with the recent surge in mobile web content consumption.

According to ZDNet:

Adobe has started blocking Flash content for computer users across the world, now displaying a warning instead that advises them to uninstall Flash Player.

Adobe says on its end-of-life page for Flash Player that: “Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021. Adobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems.”

The reason for urging people to uninstall Flash is that Adobe will not issue Flash Player updates or security patches: “Therefore, Adobe will continue to prompt users to uninstall Flash Player and strongly recommends that all users immediately uninstall Flash Player.



We have gotten multiple reports from pastors and parish staff about emails and texts being sent to parishioners and staff claiming to be from the parish priest and asking for the recipient to purchase gift cards. This is a scam that has been going on for multiple years now, and unfortunately there isn’t much we or the South Dakota Attorney General or the South Dakota Department of Consumer Protection can do about it, other than warn and educate people.

We would highly recommend putting a warning about this scam in your parish bulletins periodically and letting your parishioners and staff know you will never solicit them for gift cards via email or text and to always check by calling the parish office or contacting Father.

Digital security awareness education and training is encouraged and available for pastors and your parish staff! 

Please contact Dawn Wolf for more details regarding this security education opportunity at or by calling 605-988-3707.

IT Updates

YOU’VE GOT MAIL…but it’s not from us.

Recently many priests and deacons received an email that appeared to be from Bishop DeGrood, UNTIL you looked closer at the email address. It was an email address that tried to impersonate Bishop DeGrood but was actually an account. All diocesan email has an domain. In the past few years there have been many such attempts to use various email and text accounts to convince the people of our diocese to send money in the form of gift cards or to click on a link within the message. Many other dioceses across the world have also seen these types of scams. Sadly, this is a common tactic that modern-day thieves use to steal. It’s difficult to stop because it is so easy for scammers to establish different iterations of free emails accounts. So you can block one email address but the next day there is a slightly different one that is being used.

If you or your staff would like to learn more about the latest scams and tactics and how to stay safe while using technology, contact Dawn Wolf ( or 605-988-3707) about an excellent security awareness training program that you and your staff can participate in for the nominal cost of $10-$12 annually per person. These informative security awareness videos can be viewed from anywhere and on any device and cover all kinds of security topics.