IT Updates

YOU’VE GOT MAIL…but it’s not from us.

Recently many priests and deacons received an email that appeared to be from Bishop DeGrood, UNTIL you looked closer at the email address. It was an email address that tried to impersonate Bishop DeGrood but was actually an account. All diocesan email has an domain. In the past few years there have been many such attempts to use various email and text accounts to convince the people of our diocese to send money in the form of gift cards or to click on a link within the message. Many other dioceses across the world have also seen these types of scams. Sadly, this is a common tactic that modern-day thieves use to steal. It’s difficult to stop because it is so easy for scammers to establish different iterations of free emails accounts. So you can block one email address but the next day there is a slightly different one that is being used.

If you or your staff would like to learn more about the latest scams and tactics and how to stay safe while using technology, contact Dawn Wolf ( or 605-988-3707) about an excellent security awareness training program that you and your staff can participate in for the nominal cost of $10-$12 annually per person. These informative security awareness videos can be viewed from anywhere and on any device and cover all kinds of security topics.