Around the Diocese

Holy Spirit Men’s Retreat

The 9th Annual Holy Spirit Men’s Retreat is set for Oct. 23, 24 and 25. The theme this year is The Rosary, the Path of Discipleship and the retreat will be directed by John Beaulieu, director of evangelization and engagement at Franciscan University. The retreat will be held at Broom Tree Retreat Center in Irene, SD. Any man looking to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus and the Church is invited to attend. The goal of the retreat is to offer encouragement and challenge, a calling forth to every willing man in preparation for his vocation. Begins Friday at 7 p.m. and ends Sunday at 11 a.m. Visit or contact Pat McCabe at 612-807-4095 or for more information or to register.

St. Lambert Craft Fair

The St. Lambert Craft Fair has been cancelled for 2020 due to the current pandemic situation and the desire to protect the health of our vendors and shoppers. Next year’s craft fair is scheduled for Oct. 16, 2021.