Sarah Dvoracek

Sarah Dvoracek

Lumen Christi Missionary

My story

I grew up in a wonderful intentional and loving family. My parents modeled living as true Catholics through prayer and service. 

As most adolescents do, I struggled with the big questions: ‘Who am I?’, ‘Why am I here?’, and ‘Is there a God?’.  I was intellectually formed well but it wasn’t until I was challenged to pray daily by a dear friend in college that the Lord had room to do big things in my life consistently. He had pulled me deep and close to His heart in an intimate embrace and continues to do so. 

As I have experienced the unstoppable love of Jesus, He has also convicted me of the necessity of sharing the joy with those around me.

Where I Serve?

I will be serving at Christ the King Parish in Sioux Falls. Here I will have three main missions: forming healthcare students with how to practice ethically, walking with women discerning religious life, and one on one discipleship with the people of the parish. These three missions will come from and always be centered around prayer and with community.

Your impact

I cannot be in the parish serving in this capacity without you being on mission with me, supporting me through prayers and financially. I am so grateful for every prayer and donation. The Lord is so good for letting us play a role in His story!