Living Lit

What to do when you discover your child has stumbled upon porn | Living Lit

What to do when you discover your child has stumbled upon porn | Living Lit

Audio Media, Frontpage News, Living Lit
*to download audio, click the "SHARE" button and select download audio. What do you do if you discover your child has stumbled upon pornography? How can you handle this situation with sensitivity, care and compassion? What are the next steps?  Fr Kristopher Cowles is back for a follow up episode to last week where we talked about How to talk with your kids about porn and keeping them safe. But if it's too late and porn has already found your child or loved one, and you need some guidance on what to do now. Fr Cowles gives us some scripting ideas on opening up the conversation to talk about it, and how to find healing and recovery.   Resources PRAYER: You have the direct link already :-) Seek the Lord's Guidance, He will direct…
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How to talk to your kids about pornography & preventive steps you can take to keep your family safe | Living Lit

How to talk to your kids about pornography & preventive steps you can take to keep your family safe | Living Lit

Audio Media, Frontpage News, Living Lit
*to download audio, click the "SHARE" button and select download audio. Pornography is everywhere, yet nobody wants to talk about it. It's a sensitive topic that you might feel unequipped to talk about with your children. You might not know where to go for the right resources or how to bring up the topic. You're not alone! In this episode of Living LIT, Fr. Kristopher Cowles is in the studio with his wisdom, knowledge and gentle delivery on this topic. He will walk you through how you can address this uncomfortable topic. He also offers practical advice for guarding your family and home. You will also learn how to have a smart, sensitive, thoughtful, and open conversation with your children. Fr. Cowles also offers great resources to help you feel…
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Mary isn’t just for Catholics | Living Lit

Mary isn’t just for Catholics | Living Lit

Audio Media, Frontpage News, Living Lit
*to download audio, click the "SHARE" button and select download audio. A common misconception is that Mary is just for Catholics, and this is simply not true.   Msgr Charles Mangan, an expert in Mariology, joins us from Maryland to chat and answer questions about Mary and how she can have a special place in ALL of our lives.  We also address the question floating around for years--"Do Catholics "worship" Mary?"  (and what is a "Monsignor" anyways?) We don't want you to miss out on having the best Lady in your life, if you haven't gotten to know the Mother of our Lord yet. Tune in to get to know about Our Blessed Mother. Resources More info on Marian Consecration coming soon, but in the meantime: 33 Days to Morning Glory:…
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Learning to live after loss | Living Lit

Learning to live after loss | Living Lit

Audio Media, Frontpage News, Living Lit
*to download audio, click the "SHARE" button and select download audio. Every one of us have, are, or will experience grief.  Whether it is the loss of a loved one through death, or the loss of relationship, job, addiction, or a situation.  Sadly, we can't avoid grief in this life.  Deb Hadley has experienced deep and devastating grief with the loss of her 2 children: Kaylie and Tyler. On her journey of mourning them and learning to live life again-she has learned how to suffer with a purpose and transform her sorrow into joy by leaning into Christ and His Word. Tune in to hear her incredible and inspiring story! Resources: Deb Hadley | Inspirational Speaker and Christian Author Home ( Daily God Boost Facebook   View Full Archive of Episodes…
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How to create your own Mary Garden & Inspiration | Living Lit

How to create your own Mary Garden & Inspiration | Living Lit

Audio Media, Frontpage News, Living Lit
*to download audio, click the "SHARE" button and select download audio. Calling all gardeners and flower lovers! Raquel, from The Little Rose Shop, came up with a fantastic, easy-to-use guide to help you create & start a Mary Garden of your very own, step by step with intentionality (or add to one you already have). And you don't need to be a green thumb! She also shares her BEAUTIFUL, heartfelt story of how her ministry -The Little Rose Shop came to be. Their mission is "to bring faith into every day" and the goodies in their online shop show that. The Little Rose Shop has one of the BEST freebie vaults around too! Check out our links for your free Mary Garden Guide & resources, and links to the sweetest…
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Fr Jerry Ranek shares growing up in a faith-filled home | Living Lit

Fr Jerry Ranek shares growing up in a faith-filled home | Living Lit

Audio Media, Frontpage News, Living Lit
*to download audio, click the "SHARE" button and select download audio. Fr Jerry is back in the studio again to share about his family and home life growing up. He has an inspiring story about being raised in an intentional faith-filled home. They were Living Lit(urgical) in its original form. Tune in to the fun ways his mom created her own LIT creations for their family and the books that helped to shape Fr into the priest he is today. Fr Jerry Ranek is a priest in the St John the Baptist Pastorate in Sioux Falls, SD. Resources: Catholic Children's Bible: Click Here 60 Boy Saints for Catholic Children: Click Here 60 Girl Saints for Catholic Children: Click Here View Full Archive of Episodes Other Recent Posts Check out some…
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Are you saved? | Living Lit

Are you saved? | Living Lit

Audio Media, Frontpage News, Living Lit
*to download audio, click the "SHARE" button and select download audio. "Are you saved?" Many of us have been asked this question or heard it asked and then wonder how we can answer. Fr. Jerry Ranek offers a great response and a thoughtful and tender approach to this topic. View Full Archive of Episodes Other Recent Posts Check out some of the other podcasts that we offer or our weekly Sunday TV Mass.
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Creating your own Resurrection garden | Living Lit

Creating your own Resurrection garden | Living Lit

Audio Media, Frontpage News, Living Lit
*to download audio, click the "SHARE" button and select download audio. Making a "Resurrection/Easter Garden" is an easy and fun DIY anyone can do (kids especially love it), and you can even find most of the supplies at the dollar store. Start your Resurrection garden in Lent now, and it will become a beautiful Easter tablescape to enjoy. We will walk you through how to make your very own garden. View Full Archive of Episodes Other Recent Posts Check out some of the other podcasts that we offer or our weekly Sunday TV Mass.
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Stations of the Cross | Living Lit

Stations of the Cross | Living Lit

Audio Media, Frontpage News, Living Lit
*to download audio, click the "SHARE" button and select download audio. What are the Stations of the Cross? Where did they come from? And how you can bring this special lenten liturgical tradition into your home for a totally LIT lent? Stations are a great way to bring the Life of Jesus and our Church into your home, your Domestic Church! (I originally recorded this for "Catholic Living" last year. It's so good, that we are bringing it back for Living LIT). View Full Archive of Episodes Other Recent Posts Check out some of the other podcasts that we offer or our weekly Sunday TV Mass.
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