Apostolic Mission

Welcome to the Study Resources for From Christendom to Apostolic Mission! Below you will find videos and documents to assist you as you read and discuss the book. First, a brief word on the importance of this book.

From Christendom to Apostolic Mission helps us understand that we are living in a new cultural situation: no longer in Christendom, where the momentum of culture will naturally help people move toward Christ and his Church, but in a post-Christendom culture that requires a mindset of Apostolic Mission to counteract the influence of culture to help people know, love and follow Jesus and his Gospel.

In short, this excellent book provides a substantial background from a history of culture perspective for why “Lifelong Catholic Missionary Discipleship through God’s Love” is so important as the guiding vision for our Diocese. It pairs that historical understanding with helpful reflections of how we can respond today in our Diocese, parishes, schools and families and as individual missionary disciples.

The Discipleship and Evangelization Office wants to help you make good and fruitful use of this book for the formation of the people you lead.

To that end Dr. Chris Burgwald and Father Scott Traynor have recorded seven 10-15 minute videos as a resource to accompany small-group studies of From Christendom to Apostolic Mission. Each video summarizes the main points of the chapter with some initial discussion.  Accompanying each video is a simple 1-page study guide with discussion questions suitable for small groups or table conversations. Together, each video and discussion guide lend themselves to a one-hour meeting. The resources are designed for a seven week study, but could easily be used in a two-day retreat format or other combination.

Please email us (discipleship@sfcatholic.org) if you have any questions about the book or these resources.

We also have an online discussion forum for the book here at which we’ll be responding to questions that come in.

Combined Study Guide – For easy printing we have compiled the guides for each section into one guide.

Additional Resources from the University of Mary




Summary Articles by University of Mary.