Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls

What takes place on a retreat and do people REALLY not talk on silent retreat? | Living Lit

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This week we chat with Allie Yaw about all things retreat. What is a retreat, especially a silent retreat? Do people REALLY not talk on a silent retreat? We walk through what takes place on a retreat and who can benefit from sneaking away to spend time with the Lord – alone. The Lord really does speak in the silence! Allie is a retreat and spiritual director with lots of experience with many types of retreats. She will be directing a silent retreat for women at Abbey of the Hills in January 2024. The theme for this retreat is “Wholeness in the Father’s Love” and she happens to have a couple spots left! If you feel the Lord tapping you on the shoulder to go, then quickly grab a spot! Allie’s website, Bio and Retreat flyer are attached below. We are also attaching the links for the 2 retreat centers in the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls and the article we reference in the show.

Allie Yaw:
Retreat Flyer:

Wholeness in the Father’s Love:
Bishop’s Bulletin – Waiting in silence, waiting in hope:
Broom Tree Retreat Center:
The Abbey of the Hills Inn and Retreat Center:

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