Church’s Teaching on Beginning of Life

Abortion – USCCB Pro-Life Activities Abortion Website

This website contains Church documents, articles, columns, fact sheets, and other information on the issue of abortion.

Abortion and the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Article 5 of the Catechism, on the Fifth Commandment, sections 2258 to 2330, has information on the sanctity of human life and the issue of abortion (click “next” to access the sections).

Abortion Declaration

Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 1974 declaration on abortion.

Artificial Insemination – Donum Vitae – Instruction On Respect For Human Life In Its Origin

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith instruction concerning biomedical techniques which make it possible to intervene in the initial phase of the life of a human being and in the very processes of procreation and their conformity with the principles of Catholic morality.

Artificial Insemination and the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Article 6 of the Catechism, on the Sixth Commandment, sections 2373 to 2379, has information on the sanctity of human life and the gift of a child.

Bioethics – USCCB Bioethics resource page

This website contains information on bioethics such as in-vitro fertilization, stem cell research and more

Cloning – Donum Vitae – Instruction On Respect For Human Life In Its Origin

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith instruction concerning biomedical techniques which make it possible to intervene in the initial phase of the life of a human being and in the very processes of procreation and their conformity with the principles of Catholic morality.

Cloning – Pontifical Academy for Life – Reflections on Cloning

This document was issued in 1997 after the success of Scottish scientists in cloning the sheep “Dolly”.

Contraception – USCCB Contraception Information Website

This website contains Church documents, articles, columns, fact sheets, and other information on the issue of contraception.

Contraception and the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Article 6 of the Catechism, on the Sixth Commandment, sections 2366 to 2372, has information on marriage, the regulation of procreation, and contraception.

Declaration on the Respect For Human Life In Its Origin

Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 1987 Declaration on the respect for human life in its origin and on the dignity of procreation with replies to certain questions of the day.

Dignitas Personae

“The dignity of a person must be recognized in every human being from conception to natural death. This fundamental principle expresses a great “yes” to human life and must be at the center of ethical reflection on biomedical research, which has an ever greater importance in today’s world. The Church’s Magisterium has frequently intervened to clarify and resolve moral questions in this area. The Instruction Donum vitae was particularly significant.[1] And now, twenty years after its publication, it is appropriate to bring it up to date.”

Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life)

Pope John Paul II’s 1995 Encyclical Letter on the Gospel of Life.

Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life)

Pope Paul VI’s 1968 Encyclical Letter On Human Life.

In Vitro Fertilization – Donum Vitae – Instruction On Respect For Human Life In Its Origin

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith instruction concerning biomedical techniques which make it possible to intervene in the initial phase of the life of a human being and in the very processes of procreation and their conformity with the principles of Catholic morality.

Roe v. Wade – USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Roe v. Wade Website

This website contains Church documents, articles, columns, fact sheets, and other information on Roe v. Wade.

Sterilization and the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Article 5 of the Catechism, on the Fifth Commandment, section 2297 has information on the respect for bodily integrity and the issue of sterilization.

Surrogate Motherhood – Donum Vitae – Instruction On Respect For Human Life In Its Origin

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith instruction concerning biomedical techniques which make it possible to intervene in the initial phase of the life of a human being and in the very processes of procreation and their conformity with the principles of Catholic morality.

Surrogate Motherhood and the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Article 6 of the Catechism, on the Six Commandment, sections 2373 to 2379, has information on the sanctity of human life and the gift of a child.