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Betsy Hoyt, the Integrated Catholic Woman chats with Robyn in the studio about what it means to be and live as an Integrated Catholic Woman. How can we intentionally live our faith fully in mind, body and soul as we journey towards Heaven? And how do we get “un-stuck” if we are feeling low, in a rut or need help moving forward? Tune in to Betsy’s wealth of knowledge in women’s wellness and sustaining a healthier lifestyle while infusing virtue. She is a trained exercise instructor, nutrition/ life/health/wellness coach, FEMM educator, and so much more!
Sign up for the ICW newsletter – integratedcatholicwoman.com
Get a free 30 day Push Up challenge: https://www.integratedcatholicwoman.com/blog/30-for-30-an-odyssey-of-love-adventure
ICW website and community: integratedcatholicwoman.com https://www.motherandhome.co/
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For last week’s episode click here: https://youtu.be/CgzKwCMrO4A
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