Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls

Healthy Emotional and Spiritual Response to the impact of COVID-19

Healthy Emotional and Spiritual Response to the impact of COVID-19

In the past months I have been reviewing data and insights from others on the status of COVID-19 so I can actively discern how we should respond as a diocese. My goal has been to prudently discern how we might help reduce the spread of the virus but do it in a reasonable manner so as not to cause unreasonable hardship on people’s lives. Now that we have months of data on COVID-19, it has been on my mind and heart to address the emotional and spiritual impact it has had on so many people. The video below walks you through my thoughts. You can find some of the data I am using as I discern at this link, You can use this data to help inform yourself and others so we all can strive to be prudent in our approach to COVID-19.