Oftentimes, considerable time is taken in planning your wedding day and the events leading up to it. Please know that the priest and others from the parish are there to assist you in preparing the wedding liturgy and ensuring a beautiful and welcoming environment for your guests.
Popular today are “destination” weddings and ceremonies outside the walls of a Church. To preserve the sacredness and sacramentality of your union, a Catholic ceremony ordinarily must take place within a Catholic Church or chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is regularly reserved.
The sacredness of your union is manifested in other ways as well, one of which is in the clothing you wear. At any time, but especially at this moment in your life, clothing reveals and protects chaste love. In our secular culture, it can be a challenge for brides and bridesmaids to find modest clothing and accessories. Nevertheless, wedding garments should be selected that are modest, respectful of the sacred space of the Church, and reflect the beauty and goodness of the marital union, as well as the solemn and joyous nature of the occasion. Please let the attire for both men and women respect the presence of those around you, and in particular the presence of Christ in the Church.
For Further Reflection
- “Why Can’t We Get Married in a Park, God Created Nature Didn’t He?”, a short video by Fr. Andrew Dickinson