Operation Andrew Dinner
Do you know a young man who has expressed interest in discerning a vocation to the priesthood? Do you know a young man who you think would make a great priest and might be open to investigating the possibility of this call in his life? As part of our work to help young men discern the Lord’s call for their lives, the Vocations Office is compiling a list of such men with the intent of keeping them informed about various vocations promotion opportunities such as retreats, mission trips, Operation Andrew Dinners, seminary visits, and so on. If you know of someone who we should add to our list, please contact Emma Murtha at emurtha@sfcatholic.org or 988-3772.
Operation Andrew Dinner
As part of our work to help young men discern the Lord’s call for their lives, the Vocations Office is organizing an Operation Andrew Dinner at St. Thomas More Newman Center in Vermillion on April 21 from 6-8 p.m. Bishop DeGrood will be attending.
The night is very simple, we enjoy dinner together and invite the priests present to give a brief witness about their own experience of discernment and their life as a priest.