September 20, 2024

Father of mercy, justice and hope,
we the people of the
Diocese of Sioux Falls,
with humble hearts,
acknowledge your gift of life,
of creation, of the Church
and commit ourselves to use
what you have given us well;
with unworthy hearts, approach the Holy sacraments, especially our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist and
commit ourselves to reverence in liturgical prayer and sacred spaces;
with grateful hearts, remember those courageous and faith-filled men and women, clergy and consecrated,
native and immigrant, who nurtured and nourished the land and built the visible Church on the prairie and
commit ourselves to honor them by being good stewards of their legacy;
with loving hearts, recognize one another as brothers and
sisters in Christ and commit ourselves
to defending life from conception to natural death and serving those
in need; and
with contrite hearts, ask your forgiveness for the sins of
the past and for the sins of our day and commit ourselves to be people of reconciliation and peace.
We ask Mary our Mother, and Joseph our patron, to watch over and guide us as we seek to do your will each day.
We pray this through Christ our Lord.