September 11, 2024

Two popular events return to the diocese this March by way of Mount Marty University. Stations of the Cross will be presented at the Marian Auditorium on the Mount Marty University campus March 26 and 27 and the 5th annual Aquinas Lecture will be held at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph on March 29.

2024 Stations

This living stations event is put on during Holy Week each year by the Mount Marty University theater department. Tuesday, March 26 at 7 p.m. will mark the first night, with an additional presentation on Wednesday, March 27, also at 7 p.m. The Wednesday presentation is part of the Magnify at the Mount series, which is coordinated by Campus Ministries.

“Stations has become a tradition on our campus during Holy Week,” said Andy Henrickson, director of theater at Mount Marty University. “Conceptualizing stations has been a journey throughout the years. With each version, we have brought a new setting with scenery and lighting. This year we have a new choral director, Dr. Tyler Thress, and we will be using live vocal and instrumental music.”

Doors will open at the Marian Auditorium at 6:30 p.m. both nights. The event has general seating and is free of charge. This year, the living stations event is being sponsored by Avera and the Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota.

Aquinas Lecture series

This year will mark the 5th annual Aquinas Lecture series organized by Mount Marty University and held at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Sioux Falls. The lecture is entitled “Holiness in an Age of Unbelief.”

Dr. Larry Chapp, a retired professor of theology at DeSales University, will deliver the talk. He will explore what sanctification means in our current age and what it looks like. Dr. Chapp is owner of the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm and host of the blog

The event will be held March 19 at 7 p.m. in the parish hall. Registration to the event is not required but is encouraged. There is no cost to attend. The event is spearheaded by the Benedictine Leadership Institute and sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls and the Cathedral of Saint Joseph.