Miss Patricia Cordell of Staint Michael Parish, Sioux Falls is to be consecrated to the life of virginity for women living in the world. The Most Reverend Paul J Swain will celebrate the Mass on Tuesday, August 22 at 10:00 AM; The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
All are invited to attend.
What is Consecrated Virginity?
It is a most ancient vocation in the Catholic Church. Consecrated Virginity was a way in which women of the early Church gave their lives to Christ before Religious Orders were founded. Today, women continue to give themselves over totally to Christ in the same way as those of the early Church. Our Holy Mother the Church has developed a Rite to bless and consecrate solemnly this total self-giving that the virgin makes in her heart to live for Christ alone for the sake of the Kingdom.
Read more from Miss Cordell here.