Help protect life in South Dakota
Jun 27, 2024
It's simply not enough to just vote NO... In November, voters in our state will decide whether or not to legalize abortion. The decision is literally one of life and death. In addition to prayer and fasting, let us call to mind the words of Christ: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself..."-Mark 12:31There is no love in leaving someone without the truth.56% of Catholics believe abortion should be legal in some or all cases30% of Catholics who attend Mass weekly or more think abortion should be legal in some or all cases(source March 2022 Pew Research Poll)You have a responsibility to have conversations with those around you who might be unsure how to vote on the issue or those who are not planning to vote. However, you might be feeling uncertain…
I’m undecided
Jun 27, 2024
People will live or die... The Church's perennial teaching is that life begins at the moment of conception. In November, voters will decide whether or not to legalize abortion in our state. The reality is this:Your vote has real consequences in this life and the next. The question at hand is no longer a symbolic one, but one where people, children, will live or die based on the outcome of the vote. I'm unsure how to vote on Amendment G because: Most women who get abortions want to have one and have already been presented with other alternatives.I've been told that Amendment G is needed to ensure women can receive proper treatment for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies.I've heard this amendment referred to as the "Freedom Amendment" and that sounds like…
I’m not sure I’ll be voting
Jun 27, 2024
You have a duty as a Catholic... On November 5, voters will decide whether or not to legalize abortion in our state. You have a specific duty, a moral obligation, to go out and vote on Nov. 5"Submission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory to pay taxes, to exercise the right to vote, and to defend one's country."-CCC 2240 Learn about your moral obligation to voteLearn what your choices are at the ballot as a Catholic Do I have a moral obligation to vote? Yes From the Cathecism of the Catholic Church:2239: It is the duty of citizens to contribute along with the civil authorities to the good of society in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom. The love and service of one's country follow from…