Marriage Preparation

Area Marriage Preparation Classes

Priests and others have generously volunteered their time and talents to lead a series of marriage preparation programs at various locations throughout the diocese to supplement the individual preparation received with the priest who is marrying the couple. Various speakers will present on topics such as communication, intimacy, finances, family dynamics and prayer as couple in order deepen conversations between you and fiance. These programs are available in Sioux Falls and Brookings. For a full listing of classes and contacts, CLICK HERE.

Engaged Encounter

Catholic Engaged Encounter is a weekend away from the distractions and tensions of everyday life, giving you, as a couple, the privacy to talk honestly and intensively with each other. We use a dynamic process based on listening, writing, and dialogue. The process encourages you to concentrate on your relationship. Couples of all ages find Catholic Engaged Encounter a rewarding experience.

To learn more and register for an upcoming weekend, CLICK HERE.
Additional questions? Contact 

FOCCUS Personal Inventory

Diocesan marriage policy requires you to complete an evaluation of your relationship.  This evaluation is commonly referred to as a personal inventory.  The one primarily utilized in the Sioux Falls Diocese is FOCCUS.

The priest or deacon preparing you for marriage will administer the inventory early on in your preparation.  To learn more about the FOCCUS Personal Inventory, CLICK HERE.

Natural Family Planning

Your engagement is a great time to learn about and begin charting your fertility using Natural Family Planning.  To learn more CLICK HERE.