Fall Scripture Study Deadline

Registration deadline for the 2023 fall Scripture Study. The Psalms, Part I, will be offered online at two times on Wednesdays, 9:30-11 a.m. and 7-8:30 p.m., led by Sr. Mary Jo Polak. Beginning on Oct. 4 and continuing for seven sessions, we will study, discuss and pray together, using the resources of the Little Rock Scripture Study. To register or for more information, go to yanktonbenedictines.org/retreat-center/scripture-study or contact maryjo.polak@yanktonbenedictines. org or 605-668-6292.

The event is finished.

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Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls
Chancery Office
523 N. Duluth Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
(605) 334-9861

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