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From the Bishop – Clergy Picnic

The Clergy Gathering and Picnic is scheduled for Wednesday, August 16 beginning at 1 pm in the Cathedral Hall. Please submit your RSVP by Monday, August 7 by emailing Melinda North or using this link:

The day begins at 1 pm and the schedule is as follows:

Prayer and Opening Remarks ~ Bishop DeGrood
Creating a Cohesive Clergy Team ~ Fr. Scott Traynor
Maximizing Engagement During Pastoral Planning Process ~ Fr. Andrew Dickinson
Opportunity for Q&A

At 3 pm, the presentations will conclude and a social and BBQ will begin at the Bishop’s House. Also, for those interested in visiting the Nazareth House, the residential home for the propaedeutic formation program, Fr Kapperman will be giving tours beginning at 5pm. The Nazareth House is located at 3208 S. Kiwanis Avenue.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Melinda or Fr. Andrew Young.

Melinda North |