October 6, 2024
St John with Mary and Joseph

The Catholic Community Foundation is producing a special Christmas at the Cathedral production this December celebrating the incredible story of God’s incarnation into humanity.

“That’s my God!” will be performed six times, Dec. 17-20 and will feature individual narratives that tell a story of someone living in our community today who is experiencing a crisis or uncertainty similar to what Jesus and the Holy Family experienced 2,000 years ago. It is an important message of hope for this very time and for all time, reminding us that we are not alone and we should never give up hope.

When it appeared as though the human race was doomed to self-destruction, God sent not simply a prophet or an esteemed representative but his own Self, his own divine heart. And this divine Son, incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth, entered into the darkness of human disorder. He went to the poor, the hungry, the self-righteous, those drunk on power and those with no power—to everyone languishing in darkness—and He is calling us home.

“That’s my God!” will feature internationally renowned tenor, Scott Piper, and the debut of soprano, Janette Obermueller.

In addition to bringing the community together to celebrate this special time of year, all proceeds from Christmas at the Cathedral help support endowments for the ongoing care of two beacons of hope in our region: the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House and the Cathedral of Saint Joseph.

Christmas at the Cathedral is being produced with the safety of both performers and audiences in mind. Stay up to date on the latest health and safety protocols by visiting www.ccfesd.org/christmas-at-the-cathedral or calling 605-988-3765.

For those who cannot safely experience Christmas at the Cathedral live in person, they can watch a special Christmas night commercial-free broadcast on KELO-TV.

Christmas at the Cathedral audiences will be drawn into the message of God’s hope and love that came down at Christmas. They will be reminded: You are not alone! Do not give up! We can overcome the crisis and uncertainty of our time. We have hope in God’s divine love.