Discernment in Plague-Times

When someday our children ask us “What did you do during the coronavirus pandemic?,” it won’t seem exciting to tell them, “I moved my book club to videochat.” It’s more exciting to imagine that the sacrifices asked of us will be dramatic and romantic.

But it’s no surprise to Christians that we should value the invisible economy of grace over more worldly signs of effort and accomplishment. We are a people who believe that cloistered sisters, praying privately, have a powerful effect on the world. We are a people who believe that prayer, fasting, and humiliation are as much a part of our response to a pandemic as work on antivirals.

That’s a quote from this thought-provoking article by Leah Libresco Sargeant, who converted to Catholicism a few years ago. It’s the kind of article that you’ll want to read slowly and ponder…

Consider reading it as we enter the Second Week of Easter tonight…