Announcement Weekend

February 6-7, 2021

Prior to the Kickoff & Education Weekend scheduled for February 13 and 14, announcing the upcoming appeal will help prepare individuals for the upcoming process.

Points of insight

  • A pre-appeal letter or email may be an option to consider.  This letter is typically written by the pastor announcing the beginning of the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal and prompting parishioners to watch for their letter from Bishop Paul Swain and encourage them to pray about their participation.


Pulpit Announcements

Announcement Weekend – February 6-7

Next weekend begins Catholic Family Sharing Appeal – 2021.  This is our opportunity to come together as one family and support the mission and ministry of the Church of Eastern South Dakota.  Please take time to prayerfully consider your gift for this year and pray for the success of Catholic Family Sharing Appeal. Remember that any money we raise over our goal stays within our parish. Our efforts here will enable all members of our diocesan Church to give or receive the mercy and love of God.

(This is also a great time to talk about what additional funds will be used for within the parish.)


Intercession prayers

Announcement weekend – February 6-7

  1. That as we begin the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal, God may bless our parish and diocese.  Strengthen our faith and grant us the spirit of Christian generosity by opening our hearts to the needs of the Church….We Pray to the Lord
  2. For all Catholics throughout Eastern South Dakota; may we be one in the good will of Christ by supporting the work of the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal….We Pray …
  3. For us, the faithful of (Parish Name); may we respond as one to the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal and in gratitude return to God a portion of all he has placed in our lives…We Pray …
  4. That the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal 2021 may be successful in our parish and throughout the diocese in raising the necessary funds for us to continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus….We Pray …


Bulletin Announcement

Announcement weekend – February 6-7

Next week we begin Catholic Family Sharing Appeal 2021.  Your gift will help each of the diocesan ministries reach out to thousands, including training our future priests, proclaiming Christ’s message through the media, providing counsel to the hurt and reaching out to the youth.

Please prayerfully consider how God is asking you to support this year’s appeal.  Next week we will learn more about this appeal and the programs it supports.  Thank you and I look forward to your participation.