Sample Letters

Sample Pre-Appeal Letter or Email


City, State Zip

Dear (parishioner),

Soon, the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal 2021 will be kicking off in the Diocese.  This is the one time each year, we as Catholics come together to give thanks to God for the many gifts we have been given.

To see the impact your donations are making, or to learn more, I encourage you to visit

Funds raised through the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal are a critical supplement to the ministries of the diocese.  Your gift helps support over 30 diocesan ministries such as education and formation of future priests, ministry to the homebound or imprisoned, emotional and spiritual counseling, youth and adult faith formation, support of Newman Catholic Campus ministry and a respect for life.  These ministries are greater than what one individual parish could support and maintain; together we are able to fund ministries that serve the greater church.

As a family in one faith, I ask you to prayerfully consider your participation in Catholic Family Sharing appeal 2021.  As a parish community, we are not only working to assist the Diocese in this fund raiser, but also (­insert the parish focus for any money raised over and above – new windows? New youth program?  Charity within the community?)  Anything over and above the parish share being sent to the diocese in support of Catholic Family Sharing Appeal will be used for this specific need.

I am grateful for all you do for our parish and pray that God continues to bless you and your loved ones.

Sincerely yours in Christ,


Pastor or Parish Administrator

(Personally signing and having a personal note or message at the bottom is very helpful in getting a response)


Sample Follow-up Letter #1


City, State Zip

Dear (parishioner),

A few weeks ago, you received a letter from Bishop DeGrood asking for your support to the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal 2021.  If you have not made your pledge, I ask that you take a few minutes to prayerfully consider a gift for this year.

Your gift helps support over 30 diocesan ministries across our diocese, such as education and formation of future priests, ministry to the home bound or imprisoned, emotional and spiritual counseling, youth and adult faith formation, support of Newman Catholic Campus ministry and a respect for life.  While we have needs in our own parish, we also have a call to help support our Catholic brothers and sisters in parishes throughout our diocese.

Please give prayerful thought as you return the pledge card received in the Bishop’s letter.  If you do not have one, please contact the parish and we will send another one to you.  If you are unable to commit financially, please fill out the pledge card and note if you are able to give of your time or talents. If you have already responded, thank for your continued support and generosity.

I am grateful for all you do for our parish and pray that God continues to bless you and your loved ones.

Sincerely yours in Christ,


Pastor or Parish Administrator

(Personally signing and having a personal note or message at the bottom is very helpful in getting a response)


Sample Follow-up Letter #2




City, State, Zip


On the weekend of February 13 and 14, parishioners were asked to contribute to the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal 2021.  Today I am writing to ask that you prayerfully consider a gift to the Appeal and return the enclosed pledge slip.  Funds raised through the appeal help our diocesan church family continue its many needed services and programs.  Additionally, your gift can directly help our parish’s education and formation ministries.  We are able to keep all gifts over our goal for the parish. (Perhaps name the cause that you would like to direct your overage towards.)

At this time we have received responses from _____% of our parishioners and have received $_____.  This will put our parish at $______(over or under) our goal.  Our goal is to contact all members of our parish and ask for their participation and financial support.

I invite you to consider a pledge that you can pay over a 9 month period. Please prayerfully consider how you can help.  A gift to the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal is one important way you can participate in the work of our Catholic Church on a wider scale.

Yours in Christ,




Sample Letter to individuals who have not committed:


Month Date Year


City, ST zip code

Dear (name of parishioner):

A few weeks ago you were invited to contribute to Catholic Family Sharing Appeal 2021 for our diocese.  I was counting on the people of our parish then, and I continue to do so.  At this time we have received responses from .. (fill in % or number of households who have responded) of our parishioners.

I realize that you have limitations on your resources.  Yet, if we continue to share our love and our concern for the work of the Church, many who need us will continue to be served.  All of our programs need your help.

Please consider this letter a cordial reminder.  Grateful and mindful of all the support we have received in the past, I want to express my complete confidence in your generosity again this year.

I ask and urge that you make a commitment today.  Your help will be deeply appreciated, and I am sure your gift will give you a warm and wonderful feeling.  Thank you for what you have done in the past and for your willingness to give this appeal attention and response.  I look forward to hearing from you.  Please complete the enclosed envelope and return it by (DATE).  With personal good wishes, I remain

Sincerely in the Lord,




Sample Letter to parishioners who have not yet committed:


Month Date Year


City, ST zip

Dear (name of parishioner if possible):

I need your help. (Name of parish) has set a goal of 100% participation for this year’s Catholic Family Sharing Appeal here in the Diocese of Sioux Falls.  Our hope is that every parishioner or every parish household will fill out and return a pledge card.

Since we have not yet received your pledge card, and in the event you may have misplaced it or did not receive it originally, we have enclosed another.  If you choose to pledge, please return this card to the parish by (DATE), either through the collection basket or the parish office.

It is my sincere wish that you will consider a gift to help us reach our goal for the appeal.  Of course, I realize that circumstances may prevent some from making a pledge at this time.

Catholic Family Sharing Appeal gives our parish an opportunity to share in the cost of providing ministries, services, and programs that may directly or indirectly benefit our parish or the people of our parish.  However, you can be assured that it provides the kind of help and guidance to those in need, which is difficult for an individual parish to do.

Please help us reach our 100% participation goal.  Thank you for everything you do for (Name of parish).  May God continue to bless you and your loved ones.

Gratefully in Christ,




Sample of Pre – Phone Calling Letter


Month Date Year


City, State Zip

Dear (parishioner),

A few weeks ago, you may have received a letter from Bishop Donald DeGrood asking for your support to the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal 2021.  Would you please take a few moments to consider a gift for this year?

Your gift helps support over 30 ministries across our eastern South Dakota diocese, such as education of priests and seminarians, ministry to the home bound, emotional and spiritual counseling and a respect for life.  While we have needs in our own parish, we also have a call to help support our Catholic brothers and sisters in parishes throughout our diocese.

A member from our Catholic Family Sharing Appeal committee will be contacting you in the next few days asking for your help to this year’s appeal.  Before they call, I ask that you prayerfully consider your gift for this year.  If you are unable to give this year, please offer a prayer for the success of Catholic Family Sharing Appeal.  If you have already responded, thank for your continued support and generosity.

I am grateful for all you do for our parish and pray that God continues to bless you and your loved ones.

Sincerely yours in Christ,


Pastor or Parish Administrator


Sample Follow-up Letter


Dear Friends in Christ,

A few weeks ago, you may have received a letter from Bishop DeGrood asking for your support to the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal 2021.  Would you please take a few moments to consider a gift for this year?

Your gift helps support many ministries across our eastern South Dakota diocese, such as education and formation of our future priests, ministry to the home bound, emotional and spiritual counseling, faith formation for our youth and adults and a respect for life.  While we have needs in our own parish, we also have a call to help support our Catholic brothers and sisters in parishes throughout our diocese.

With $_______ already received in cash and pledges and more than ______ families participating, our Catholic Family Sharing Appeal program is well on its way to success.  However, there is still more work to be done, as our goal is to attain 100% participation.

As your Pastor, I personally support the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal.  Will you join me and the rest of our parish family in sharing a portion of the blessings God has entrusted to each of us?  I realize that it may be a challenging year for you, but I would ask that you consider giving what you can.

I am grateful for all you do for our parish and pray that God continues to bless you and your loved ones.

Sincerely yours in Christ,


Pastor or Parish Administrator


Sample Thank You Letter #1

Dear (Parishioner):

I would like to personally thank you for your generous gift of $________ to the Catholic Family Sharing Appeal.

Your gift tells me that you recognize the role of each person in the evangelization and life of our diocese. Your generosity insures that the people of our parish and diocese will continue to receive spiritual, educational, and social services from the Church. Thank you for helping to build our legacy of faith by responding and ensuring the ministries of our Church continue on.

Thank you again for all that you do for the Church.  May the Lord bless you and your loved ones.

Yours in Christ,




Sample Thank You Letter #2


Dear Parishioner:

I would like to personally thank you for all that you do to help our parish and our diocese. You truly are a people of faith.

Your gift to Catholic Family Sharing Appeal helps to reflect Christ’s love to many people whose lives are touched by the ministries and services of this diocese.

Because of your generosity, we are able to make an impact in the lives of thousands of our diocesan brothers and sisters.  The enthusiastic response of so many is a wonderful testament of how we reach out to others.  It gives me confidence that we will continue to journey in faith and grow in understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

Thank you again for all of your continued support of these ministries. May the Lord bless you and your loved ones.

Yours in Christ,

